Payroll Administrators using Timesheets

As a payroll administrator, it is important to track time. CertiPay Online now has a service level that can help maintain and record timesheets for all employees. 

Once timesheets has been marked active by a CertiPay Online representative, you can access all employee timesheets through the left navigation bar. Click the Time section then Timesheets option. 

The below is the Timesheets Dashboard. Note, it is important to have the correct timezone allocated to your SSO account - Editing Your User Account

Here you will be able to see what your employee's timesheets reflect for the defaulted time frame in the top left. You can adjust the time frame, if needed, by clicking within the box. 


As a payroll administrator, you can review the employee's time by selecting their name within the list. This will open all clock in and clock out punches done by the employee as well as any manual punches done by an authorized user. 

CertiPay Online TIME has geolocation tracking. Authorized users will be able to view where an employee is clocking in/out. Note, the pin drop is not specific but it is marked in the general area of where the punch actually happens depending on the employee's connection to the internet. 

Towards the bottom of the screen, there are total columns that provide data on hours worked for the specific time frame selected. 

Reference Articles: 

How to Add/Edit Employee Time Punches

Navigating the Manager Dashboard

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