How do I add Additional Earnings to employee profiles?

Additional Earnings are set amounts that a worker receives in addition to their primary pay each check (such as weekly reimbursements or flat amounts). These types of earnings are automatically pulled into the payroll each payrun. 

To add Additional Earnings to a worker's profile, follow the below steps:

1. Go to People in the left navigation bar then select Employees 


2. Select the employee

3. Choose Employment from the employee's ribbon 

4. Click Add Earning under “Additional Earnings”


5. Review the existing earnings and select the earning you would like to add; Earnings are listed alphabetically by description and followed by the earning type


6. Add the amount you would like to pay your employee

7. Save

If your employee will not receive the earning each pay check, it may be considered a One-Time Earning. One-Time earnings occur infrequently and can be added directly to the payroll when needed. 

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